The Mississippi Seafood Marketing Program promotes the state’s seafood industry, including shrimp, blue crab, oyster and saltwater fish. Managed by the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources (MDMR) and funded through grants, the program supports a diverse range of stakeholders, including fishermen, processors, wholesalers, charter boat operators, retailers and restaurant owners.

If you would like your business to be featured on our website as a retailer, wholesaler or restaurant selling/serving authentic Gulf-fresh Mississippi Seafood, please complete the application below. Participation is free.

To qualify, your business must sell, prepare or serve blue crab, shrimp, oysters and/or saltwater fish sourced from Mississippi’s marine waters or the Gulf of Mexico. Eligibility to use the Gulf-Fresh Mississippi Seafood logo and participate in marketing initiatives is determined by MDMR. All participating businesses must comply with applicable state and federal permits, licenses and regulations.

All applications shall expire on December 31 every third year after approval. For example, if your application is approved on June 30, 2024, it will expire on December 31, 2026. At this time, your business will need to be registered again. Any business that has not registered will be deleted from our directory.